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Let’s Get Started !
There are several items you will need to complete this Program.
When you registered it triggers several tasks that we must complete before you should begin taking this Program:
The Program Workbook
- A Comprehensive four color workbook will be sent to the address you provided during registration
- Please allow at least 5 business days for its arrival.
- If you do not receive it by the 5th business days, please email us at: Help@QuickBooksRus.net
- You need this workbook to continue to other Modules.
Our Training Server
- You also will be setup in our Online Training Server with remote access to perform the hands-on assignments
- This will be sent to you by email with 3 business days after registration.
- It will be a Remote Desktop Connection (RDP)
- The complex password will be sent in the email
- This RDP is suggested to be used with a PC rather than a Mac. It is possible to use a Mac but we do not provide any support for the usage or setup using a Mac
- Please make sure to complete the lesson regarding “Using the Training Server” before continuing to the next Module.
Navigating this Program
- Keep in mind you can complete the program at your own pace provided you complete it within 6 months.
- You must complete the program in sequence
- If you do not complete the program within 6 months, access will be removed.
- If you wish to continue there is an additional $300.00 reinstatement fee required for an additional 6 months.
Certification and Passing Score
- The minimum passing score for the Program is 85%
- This is based on the total points you receive for all assignments combined.
- You will be given a maximum of four attempts on each assignment assessment
- AMI Credits will be issued if you obtain a passing score upon completion
- This information will be forwarded to the Automotive Management Institute within 14 business days of successful completion.
Each Module will include generally an overview and then detailed process and procedure demonstrations with added explanations for each topic. The workbook is a vital part of the Program and is designed for interactive usage. There are fill-in-the-blank key points which you should input during each Module. Most of these will be part of the Review Assessments.
In addition to e-mail support which you can access with the email ICON in the Left Menu of each Program page, you are entitled, if needed, to schedule up to four live remote one-to-one training sessions (30 minutes) with us to assist you through this program. This is a great value to utilize when needed.
You simply click the Schedule One-to-One Training Button in the Left Menu. This needs a 24 hour lead time, and is based on available dates and times we have available.
Take a few minutes and watch the following introduction video before advancing.
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