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QuickBooks Reports
Since during this Program you will be required to run reports during the assignments, basic QuickBooks reporting must be covered.
This Program will not to cover advanced reports such as in our Program, Advanced Reporting, Benchmarking, and Dashboards.
In addition to e-mail support which you can access with the email ICON in the Left Menu of each Program page, you are entitled, if needed, to schedule up to four live remote one-to-one training sessions (30 minutes) with us to assist you through this program. This is a great value to utilize when needed.
You simply click the Schedule One-to-One Training Button in the Left Menu. This needs a 24 hour lead time, and is based on available dates and times we have available.
Follow along with your workbook, fill in the missing information, and take notes while watching the following.
[advanced_iframe src=”https://internationaltrainingsolutions.com/CourseContent/QKBKS-CR-BKP-OL/Module-1/Lesson-2/xy99u/index.html”]